Bipolar disorder produces abrupt and severe mood swings along with changes in a person’s energy levels and enthusiasm for living. It’s an incurable, highly disruptive illness that can completely sabotage a person’s life if it’s not treated. However, with consistent treatment, bipolar disorder is a manageable illness. Below are a few of the most important keystones of managing bipolar disorder.

  1. Medication. Sometimes depression and can be treated without medication, but with bipolar disorder that’s rarely the case. Bipolar disorder usually requires treatment with mood-stabilizing medicines. A few examples include lamotrigine, topiramate, lithium, and valproic acid. It’s crucial for people with bipolar disorder to take their medication exactly as prescribed, every day. People often discontinue their medication because they feel good, or think that maybe they never needed it in the first place. Most people with bipolar disorder must be on at least two medications, so there are issues with sometimes considerable side-effects. It can be a lot to manage, but stopping one’s medication without consulting a physician always leads to a mental and emotional collapse that can be devastating.
  2. Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is essential for managing bipolar disorder. Although medication can stabilize the mood swings of bipolar disorder, reshaping our often negative patterns of thinking and learning better ways of coping requires the assistance of a trained mental health care professional. Keeping in touch with a therapist can also help a person with bipolar disorder identify a manic or depressive phase before it becomes problematic.
  3. Lifestyle maintenance. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is critical for people with bipolar disorder. Substance abuse of any sort, including excessive drinking, will sabotage treatment and result in an onset of a depressive or manic phase. Poor sleep hygiene the results in too little sleep is also a known danger to staying on an even keel for those with bipolar disorder. Adding in a little exercise can help improve mood, with 10 to 20 minutes of exercise every day being a great way to help a person’s mood stay stable.
  4. Social support. People who have a social support system have more stability than those who go it alone. Family support is especially helpful, but even online support groups help people feel less alone and more a part of a valuable social network.

Damaris Aragon, ARNP, BC provides a full spectrum of mental health care to people in Spokane, Washington, and surrounding areas. She focuses on providing personalized, compassionate care that adheres to current evidence-based standards. Reach out to Damaris through her contact page or calling 509-342-6592.