Today we are going to discuss Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), a common anxiety disorder that can take over your life if left untreated. We will be laying out the symptoms of GAD, how GAD can impact you, and what self-care treatments you can use to relieve stress.

If you have read the previous post on anxiety, you should have a better idea of how to spot an anxiety disorder. There are, however, quite a few different anxiety disorders out there, so how do you tell if you or a loved one is suffering from GAD? Individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder tend to worry excessively about a broad range of stressors. These fears are often irrational, unwarranted, and impossible for the individual to control, but, for the person with GAD, they are very real.

Individuals with GAD may struggle with a paradox that people with situational anxiety rarely come into contact with. Individuals with GAD may know very well that their anxieties will not or cannot happen, but that does not stop them from worrying. This happens, because the unlikely event may not actually be causing the anxiety directly. Instead, the uncertainty surrounding the event may be stimulating stress, so that, even when the event passes, they feel the same uncertainty about whatever is happening next. An individual with GAD may, for example, feel anxiety about leaving their house in the morning in fear that someone is waiting outside to harm them. This outcome is very unlikely, but it is not completely impossible, which is enough to create anxiety.

Because of this generalized fear, people with GAD may shy away from certain opportunities or disengage socially. They may do this to avoid stressors or simply lessen the amount of uncertainty they face on a daily basis. It may make sense to counteract their worries with repetitive schedules, but this allows the anxiety to significantly hinder your lifestyle.

Instead, many individuals diagnosed with GAD take advantage of treatment plans to significantly reduce their daily anxiety. In conjunction with treatment from a health care professional, there are many self-care techniques you can use to lessen the effects of GAD at home. A consistent routine of exercise and meditation can improve your physical health, help you work through stress, and give you an opportunity to reflect on your fears. You may also try limiting your consumption of alcohol and drugs, especially caffeine. You may need those caffeinated drinks to wake you up in the morning, but they can increase the activity of your nervous system and magnify stress. Finally, do your best to establish a regular sleeping cycle, keeping your mind and body well rested every day.

If you are experiencing severe anxiety and suspect that you may be suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, seek help from a local Spokane health care professional. Reach out to Damaris through her contact page or calling 509-342-6592.