Today we are going to talk about coping techniques to deal with stress. In this article, we will be defining stress and exploring simple and effective tips to lessen the amount of stress you or a loved one experiences on a daily basis.

Stress can feel very different to different people, but is generally defined as mental or physical tension that occurs in response to a demanding stimulus. Significant stress commonly incites anxiety, though these two responses are easily confused. While both can lead to worry, poor concentration, and frustration, stress and anxiety differ in how they actually affect your body. While anxiety is a largely psychological experience, stress often manifests as a physical problem like stomach pains, headaches, and fatigue, in addition to many of the same psychological problems.

For over 70% of Americans, stress plays a significant role in their lives. It is not uncommon for individuals who live very stressful lives to neglect the mental and physical effects of stress, placing them at higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and other dangerous health problems. Luckily, by using the right coping techniques and monitoring the number of stressors in your life, you can learn to reduce your stress so that it does not hinder your daily functioning.

One of the first steps you should take is to understand how and why your stress occurs. Some of the most common stressors among Americans are money, work, and relationships; however, stress is always unique to the individual experiencing it, so try to hone in on where your stress comes from. When you have found where, ask yourself why it is stressful for you. Are you having trouble dealing with the responsibility involved in your job? Are you unhappy with the relationship you are in? This may seem like an ineffective or obvious step, but you have to fully identify a stressor before you can actually overcome it.

Now that you have recognized the source, here are some effective self-care strategies to help you navigate your daily stress:

  • Exercise. A steady exercise routine is one of the best ways to improve your health, while decreasing stress. Next time you are feeling overwhelmed, try to find some way to work up a sweat. As little as fifteen minutes of exercise can help you clear your head, shift your attention away from your stressors, and improve your mood.
  • Create Lists. By organizing your responsibilities into a list, stressors often seem much more manageable. Instead of feeling like you have to do everything at once, you can tackle each item one-by-one. List making also frees up your mind to focus on other activities instead of your stressors.
  • Avoid Caffeine. While small amounts of caffeine can occasionally give you a much-needed energy boost, caffeine reliance can have a number of negative effects on your health. Caffeine can also impact sleep patterns, mood, and willingness to exercise if consumed regularly.
  • Avoid Alcohol or Cigarettes. These substances may relieve stress temporarily, but can ultimately lead to a number of long-term issues, especially if you are struggling with addiction. Stay away from these substances whenever possible to ensure that you remain clear-headed and focused. If you are unable to cut these substances out completely, simply reducing your intake can have positive effects on your overall stress level.
  • Sleep. A great way to reduce the amount of stress in your life is to get on a consistent sleep schedule, aiming for eight hours of sleep per night. Individuals experiencing large amounts of stress tend to put off sleep in order to make up for lost time, but sleep-deprivation can cloud decision-making, lower concentration, and increase anxiety.

If you have tried these self-care techniques and are still struggling to control your stress, seek help from a local Spokane Health Care Professional. Reach out to Damaris through her contact page or calling 509-342-6592.