Damaris Aragon, M.S.N., A.R.N.P., B.C.
Damaris Aragon, M.S.N., A.R.N.P., is a board certified psychiatric nurse practitioner in private practice in Spokane, WA. She has worked as a nurse in Washington State for 31 years in a variety of settings, that include in- patient psychiatric treatment.
Education & Training
–She is a graduate of Gonzaga University.

Experience & Specialties
- Damaris is welcoming patients with a variety of conditions including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, thought disorders, and addiction.
- The services she offers include medication management, assessment, supportive psychotherapy, and professional consultation.
- Damaris’ passion is to facilitate the learning of new skills by providing dedicated, thorough, and compassionate care. She focuses on a holistic approach to care which focuses on a healthy diet, exercise, spiritual and social support.
- Damaris speaks Spanish fluently and desires to serve an ethnically and culturally diverse population. She believes each individual is unique and possesses strengths and the capacity to change and grow with the proper support and skilled guidance.