The immune system is a complex array of disease and infection-fighting cells and tissues that work hard to keep us healthy. It’s a tough job that never ends and requires good nutrition to work well. The immune system is particularly stressed when fighting off viral infections, like bad colds and flu. One of the best ways to support your immune system is to ensure you’re eating a selection of foods that delivers the vitamins, minerals and micronutrients that keep the immune system in top-notch condition.

Fruits. Fruits are among the best foods for the immune system. They contain flavonoids, complex compounds that reduce the damage done to tissues by free radicals. Free radicals are by-products of normal cellular functions, but when they accumulate, they do damage. They’re particularly rough on the immune system. Flavonoids are among the most powerful of all anti-oxidants. Flavonoids also reduce inflammation throughout the body, which is helpful for the immune system. Dark fruits, like blueberries and red grapes, are good sources of fruit-based flavonoids.

Seeds and nuts. Sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, and pumpkin seeds are all rich in vitamins and minerals that support the good health of the immune system. In particular, they’re loaded with zinc and magnesium, vital elements essential to the immune system’s functioning. These seeds and nuts are also good sources of the B family of vitamins, which are required by all nerves in the body. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help increase the body’s ability to absorb fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K), which the body uses up rapidly when fighting an infection.

Turmeric. Turmeric, that bright yellow spice found in many Indian dishes, is loaded with curcumin. Curcumin is a potent anti-inflammatory agent. It is also loaded with antioxidants and rich in iron, which boosts the health of red blood cells and the immune system. However, our bodies have trouble getting enough curcumin through food, so adding a supplement to your diet is the best way to get the full benefit of turmeric.

Citrus fruit, green leafy vegetables and bell peppers. Vitamin C is vital to the functioning of the immune system. Everyone tends to think of oranges, limes, and lemons when we talk about vitamin C and it’s true—citrus fruits are loaded with vitamin C. However, bell peppers and green veggies like kale and spinach are also loaded with vitamin C. In fact, bell peppers on average have more Vitamin C than oranges.

Green tea. Green tea gets a lot of praise and even better press, but does it live up to the hype? In a word, yes. Green tea contains a compound called catechin, a potent antioxidant that reduces inflammation throughout the many parts of the immune system. Green tea is versatile and can be consumed hot or cold, by itself or in smoothies loaded with fruit for an extra immune system boost.

Damaris Aragon, ARNP, BC provides a full spectrum of mental health care to people in Spokane, Washington, and surrounding areas. She focuses on providing personalized, compassionate care that adheres to current evidence-based standards. Reach out to Damaris through her contact page or calling 509-342-6592.